- Program Finder
Bachelor's Degrees
- Accounting
- Analytics
- Applied Management
- Business Administration
- Business Forensics
- Cloud Computing
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Education
- Exercise Science
- Financial Management
- Financial Planning
- Forensic Accounting
- Healthcare Administration
- Human Resources Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Management & Leadership
- Marketing
- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Operations & Supply Chain Management
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Public Safety Management & Leadership
- Social Sciences
- Sport Management
- User Experience & Graphic Design
Master's Degrees
- Accounting
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Communications
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Higher Education Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-K-12 Building Level Leadership
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership-Principal Licensure
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in Higher Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Curriculum & Instruction in K-12 Education Specialization
- M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Technology-Training & Development Specialization
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Systems
- Information Technology
- Instructional Design & Learning Technology
- MBA Programs
- MSN Programs
- Professional Sales Leadership
- Public Administration (MPA)
Doctoral Degrees
- Associate Degrees
Online Degrees
- Online Learning at Franklin
- Accounting Programs
- Business & Leadership Programs
- Computer Science Programs
- Criminal Justice & Public Safety Programs
- Cybersecurity Programs
- Data & Analytics Programs
- Education Programs
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Microcredentials & Certificates
- Microcredentials
- Accounting Data Analytics
- Cyber Defense
- Cyber Governance
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Data Analytics
- Nurse Educator
- Instructional Design
- Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Adolescence to Young Adult Education (7-12)
- Primary Education (PK-5)
- Intervention Specialist: Mild/Moderate (K-12)
- Middle Childhood Education (4-9)
- Advanced Accounting Microcredential
- Undergraduate Students
- Master's Students
- Partnership Students
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- Earn Your Degree Online
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- College Credit Plus
- Air Force
- Army
- Coast Guard
- Marines
- Navy
- Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserves
- Montgomery GI Bill®
- Post-9/11 GI Bill®
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment VetSuccess Program
- Yellow Ribbon Program
- Spouses & Family
- Online Open House
- Associate Degrees
- General Bachelor's Degree
- Nursing (RN-BSN)
- Accounting
- Business Administration (MBA)
- Business Analytics
- Business Psychology
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Administration (MHA)
- Human Resource Management
- Information Technology
- Instructional Design & Learning Technology
- Nurse Administrator (MSN-ADM)
- Nursing-Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP)
- Nursing-Generalist (MSN)
- Nursing-Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Public Administration
- Business Administration (DBA)
- Healthcare Administration (DHA)
- Instructional Design Leadership (DPS)
- Nursing Practice-Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP-FNP)
- Nursing Practice-Leadership Track (DNP)
- Organizational Leadership (Ed.D.)
- Criminal Justice Leadership
- Instructional Design
Tuition & Financial Aid
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Transferring Credit
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Safety & Security
Franklin’s Department of Safety & Security Services works hard to maintain the highest level of safety across our campus community. In collaboration with our students, staff, faculty, visitors and local law enforcement, we participate in safety services and crime-prevention programs that help make Franklin a safe and secure place to learn.
Safety & Security Office
Campus Safety
Staying Safe at Franklin
Help us keep Franklin’s Main Campus safe and secure. Although security personnel are on duty whenever classes are in session and during routine business hours, they simply cannot be everywhere at once. So we rely on you to report suspicious activity, and to take reasonable precautions to enhance your personal safety while on campus.
Intervention & Awareness
If you’re concerned about a situation or behavior that seems inappropriate for campus, please report it (we don’t need your name) so our Franklin Intervention & Awareness Team (FIAT) can address it. FIAT is comprised of both Franklin faculty and administration and is tasked with promoting health and safety through awareness and prevention.
Emergency Procedures
What to Do In An Emergency
Because safety matters, we want you to know what to do in case of an on-campus emergency at Franklin. We’ve put together a series of emergency procedures to help ensure that the Franklin University community is a safe and secure learning and working environment.
Active Shooter Emergency Response
The Franklin University Department of Safety & Security Services works hard to maintain the highest level of safety across our campus community. In collaboration with our students, staff, faculty, visitors and local law enforcement, we participate in safety services and crime-prevention programs that help make Franklin a safe and secure place to work and learn.
With this goal in mind, the Department of Safety & Security Services has collaborated with our safety partners to provide a video addressing what you can do to stay safe in the event of an active shooter and/or active aggressor incident on our campus.
While it is everyone’s hope we never have to deal with this situation, we hope you will make time to watch this important video:
Naloxone and the Opioid Task Force
Franklin University recognizes the impact that opioid addiction has on the community. Since 2019, the Department of Safety & Security Services has received regular training in recognizing the signs of an opioid overdose and in administering Naloxone. Naloxone (commonly known as NARCAN®) is a medication that can reverse an overdose caused by an opioid drug (heroin, illicit fentanyl, or prescription pain medications). When administered during an overdose, naloxone blocks the effects of opioids on the brain and quickly restores breathing. Naloxone has been used safely by emergency medical professionals for more than 40 years and has only one critical function: to prevent overdose death by reversing the effects of opioids. Naloxone is a safe, non-controlled drug and has no potential for abuse.
An opioid overdose happens when a person takes too much of an opioid, or combination of opioids and other drugs, at a level that is toxic to the body. Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a person who is using opioids is actually experiencing a life-threatening overdose. If you are unsure, it is best to assume there is an overdose — you could save a life. Signs of an overdose include:
- Unresponsiveness or unconsciousness.
- Slowed or stopped breathing.
- Snoring or gurgling sounds.
- Cold or clammy skin.
- Discolored lips or fingernails.
In partnership with Franklin County Public Health, the Franklin University Department of Safety & Security Services maitains a supply of Naloxone. If you witness someone on or near campus whom you believe may have overdosed on opioids, call 911, then contact the Department of Safety and Security Services at 614-947-6902. For additional information, please visit http://www.opioidtaskforce.org/
Crime Alerts
Awareness is key to staying safe so this area is dedicated to alerting the Franklin University community about suspicious behavior or crime occurring on or near any of our locations.
Staff and students are reminded to always be aware of their surroundings and avoid suspicious persons or activities. Staff and students should report any information they have regarding this incident or any future suspicious activity they observe to the Department of Safety and Security Services at 614-947-6902 or the local police department having jurisdiction at the particular Franklin location.
If you witness any suspicious person(s) or vehicles in or around Franklin University please contact the Special Duty Officer at (614) 947-6902. In a life threatening emergency dial "911."
If you have information related to any posted alerts, please contact Safety & Security Services at 614.947.6900.
University Updates Concerning COVID-19:
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Franklin University
201 S Grant Ave.
Columbus, OH 43215
Local: (614) 797-4700
Toll Free: (877) 341-6300
Copyright 2025 Franklin University
Franklin University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (hlcommission.org/800.621.7440) and authorized by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Franklin University is committed to being an inclusive community free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.